Well, it is now my third year teaching First Grade! :) And I actually have 2 full weeks to set up my classroom this year!! I am so pumped that I actually spent the last two days getting lots of work done. As I lugged my materials through the hallway one of the summer maintenance employee's commented "Ya know you still have two more weeks." Yes I know, I am an overachiever.
Here are some "Before" shots:
My first year of teaching, I was hired the week before school started. So I had to find a place to live, move my whole life AND set up a classroom the week before school. Last year, they were still putting the finishing touches on renovating our school, so I had yet again just one week to unpack and set it all up perfectly. (I am a TPTaholic and obsessed with Pinterest so of course this took a lot of time to make it up to my standards.) So I am taking full advantage of my 2 weeks this year!! I am so excited to post the final pictures when I get finished!
You go girl! :)